Address: via delle Croci 11/a – Loc. Casore del Monte – Marliana – PISTOIA

Satellite coordinates: 43°56’19.8″N 10°48’22.2″E

We suggest you to insert in your gps “Momigno” and then when reached insert “Agricampeggio Le Carbonaie”. If you insert “Agricampeggio Le Carbonaie” first, it will show you the shortest but even the narrowest way. Shown below there is a pdf that can show you step by step how to reach us.

By bus from Pistoia

From Pistoia train station take the COPIT Line 59 (Pistoia-Montagnana-Momigno-Serra P.), at this time: Everyday, departure at 14:15 – arrival at Casore at 15:00
Only Wednesday and Saturday departure to Casore at 12:15, 14:15, 17:45
From Casore departure everyday at 7:00 – arrival at Pistoia at 7:50 Only Wednesdayand Saturday departure to Pistoia at 8:55

By train

The only way to reach us by train is to arrive at Pistoia train station and then take the busLine 59